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Any LEDNet settings that are required for normal operation are explained in the Getting Started section.

Behaviour Settings

These settings relate to things like different server options, and startup settings.

Behaviour Settings


These settings allow you to turn on logging and allow you to log tile stats.

Logging Settings


The Timing settings allow you to change the frame time and method. Click the arrow beside the Frame Time field to choose the rate.

Timing Settings


These settings relate to the user interface size and colours.

Gui Settings

Error Handling

You can modify the way that errors are handled with the settings here.

Error Settings


You can access via telnet on port 8021. To do this you will first need to enable the telnet server in Settings:behaviour.

Behaviour Settings

You can achieve this using any telnet client. The interface works much like the console. You can use all the normal console commands. As with the ON Cloud Platform, anything you type (and the results) will also display in the LEDNet console.

You can hover on the cloud icon at the bottom of LEDNet to see how many telnet sessions are currently active.

Telnet Sessions

Proof Settings

Proof settings relate to the proof of display engine. If you wish to use this feature, you can turn it on here and adjust the settings.

If you need to change the Media or Unknown folders, click the relevant folder icon. If you click on the folder path you will see the contents of the folder in a graphical display.

Proof Settings

Cloud Settings

If you are using the ON Cloud Platform, this is where you will find the related settings. More details on the setup process are here.

Cloud Settings

Cloud Settings